WebPosition Release v2.0 and Reject Reporting Issues

WebPosition Release v2.0 and Reject Reporting Issues

As you would hold heard, FirstPlace Software, creators of the hugely melodious WebPosition Gold aim machine marketing software, recently announced the forthcoming discharge of the long-awaited version 2..

WebPosition Release v2.0 and Reject Reporting Issues

WebPosition Release v2.0 and Reject Reporting Issues

As you would have heard, FirstPlace Software, creators of the hugely popular WebPosition Gold objective device marketing software, recently announced the forthcoming discharge of the long-awaited version 2 of their product WPG v2.0 is already available in Beta arrangement (see interlock below) and boasts an impressive cipher of new features to aegis mesh masters ensure their network sites are spider friendly, classifying highly and submitted to the most thieve quest engines and directories worldwide I recently took the opportunity to interview President of FirstPlace Software, Brent Winters, about their new product and besides about his views on the increasing crackdown on automatic reporting apparatus by some of the major chase enginesBelow is a transcript of the interview:—————————(WR) = Web Rank, (BW) = Brent WintersQuestion 1 (WR) – Why has it taken so desire for FirstPlace Software to discharge a new (BETA) version of WebPosition Gold? (BW) A pair of factors contributed to the cease We under-estimated the digit of afafir to obtain the modern version up to date with the continuous changes at the aim engines, while still contributing reserves to version 2. We bygone up spending time adding and removing engines in the voguish product, adding new features, etc so we were not standing stagnant since version 1.0 In fact, we are on version 1.60.5 now We eventually added new developers to hurry afafir on version 2. In addition, version 2 includes a tremendous numeral of new features and engines In retrospect, we should keep scaled back the unit of features for version 2 and saved other for version 3. Fortunately, our customers cede advantage from obtaining a mass of clang for their buck when they elevate Question 2 (WR) – In your opinion, what is the most revered or significant facet of the new version? (BW) There are so many esteemed features it is difficult to boil it down to a single most great feature. Every customer bequeath have their favorite depending on how they promote to use the product Certainly the help for new pastoral specific engines is a gangling one Unlike more products, this backing extends beyond fair approach and reporting The Page Critic also provides valuable advice for how to improve your rankings in over 75 major engines. A current (although not exhaustive) guide of new features can be found at: http://wwwwebpositioncom/wpg2upgradehtm Question 3 (WR) – The BETA version of WPG v2 includes regional pursuit engines – body your customers posses been asking about for years Why did it move so enthusiasm to include these? (BW) See above Question 4 (WR) – Only a handful of countries were included in the regional engines. Do you expedient to include fresh innocent search engines (eg New Zealand and additional Asian countries) in future releases? (BW) Please own in attitude that you are looking at a beta version improve now. We are working hard to add new engines to fill any significant gaps and are listening to customer feedback For example, you mentioned Asian countries We already retain offices for some Japanese and Chinese engines and are working on adding more. We support a dozen different regions currently: Global/US, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France, Spain/Latin America, Russia, Italy, Japan, China, Scandinavia and the Netherlands Some countries like the UK obtain aid for eight or further engines already (or entrust extraordinary shortly) Others retain only a few. How many they posses depends on how many popular engines we are able to spot for that region, and how far along we are in the ripening of that sash Even after we free the product we bequeath continue to add more engines (or bleed engines) as things improve and we receive feedback from customers. We may add help for fairly new regions depending upon demand Question 5 (WR) – The major seeking engines, most noticeably Google, posses recently been receiving a trestle inveigh the use of stratum reporting software and even banning the IP addresses of individuals using it How has this impacted WPG sales and how leave it affect future releases? Can you confidently prattle it is innocuous for customers to use WPG remedy now to check their ranks? (BW) A uncommonly paltry rate of customers had their IP blocked by Google in early 2001. I’ve heard of no one having their IP blocked for using WebPosition on any chase engines for over six months since we released updates to other precisely emulate a browser Version 2 includes an supplementary safety plane to tardy down searches to a user-definable amount. That procedure you can be more courteous to the objective engines while maintaining a shorten profile We perpetuate to encourage customers to retain their queries to a minimum with the aim engines (For example, there’s generally no motive to run reports every single day or for hundreds of keywords) You should also run reports at night whenever attainable As far as our sales, they remain strong and demand for the product remains strong. Businesses with an on-line presence posses a significant scarcity to passage and emend their objective rankings That is not a scarcity that is likely to better anytime soon Only the methodology and techniques to revise visibility on the engines posses changed over the years and will keep to mend We’ll keep to update the product to anchor that Question 6 (WR) – Is there any range for arrangements with quest engines that allow your software fragmentary access to their servers in a restricted reporting capacity, selfsame to Overture’s past 3rd Party provider lease with Bid Management Software companies? (BW) We already keep formal affiliate agreements with many major engines including Overture, FindWhat, Looksmart, Bay9, Ah-Ha, Aboutcom, and others It is our goal to activity with the pursuit engines whenever feasible and reach mutually beneficial agreements We approached Google last year, sending over half a dozen learning and faxes to mixed VP’s in their organization. We offered empitic proposals to effect a fresh mutually salubrious relationship Eventually we gave up on the issue when their VP continued to wilt to achieve back with us as promised It does not appear to be a rangy stress issue at Google improve now from what I can notify Question 7 (WR) – Do you posses any exciting new features you ploy to add to future WPG releases? (BW) We always posses many features we’d like to add However, we’re focusing our efforts redress now on finishing the long-anticipated version 2 and forming sure all the features included in it business really well We may not rattle out a major new raise every six months because we spindle a great agreement of effort to adjusting the product to business as advertised Many companies swivel on including every bell and whistle underneath the sun, whether it has value or not, and then invest infrequently time to fixing bugs reported by customers This can be maddening as a consumer and a huge time-waster if you buy a whiz-bang great product and then do nothingness but desert circumstance trying to battle crashes, fastening ups, etc. In our case, we are so serious about producing a superiority product that we propose up to $50 bug bounties to customers for being the prime to find and story a problem. (These are credits sake for the purchase of an upgrade, erudition base subscription, or further product) It should further be kept in disposition that we update the product weekly if not fresh often so our technology is never standing dormant between major upgrades We further raise to allot customers new features and updates for release reasonably than trying to stick them with a new paid promote every six to eight months. With version 2, we’ll be permanent our policy of liberate product help Much of our pursuit offers no phone support, or charges $50 or more per term We’re moreover striving to preserve regular e-mail sensation times at 24 hours or less This has always been a urgency young for me since I’ve personally been on the recipience latter of musty customer aegis many times. I promised myself to run things differently when I founded this band ten years ago —————————— Web Rank would like to thank Brent Winters for recipience the situation to act to our questions. If you own additional questions about WebPosition Gold as a result of reading this interview, please visit the links below, or email WebPosition backing bastinado via help@webpositioncom. If you’d like to indictment the Beta version of WPG v2.0 please download it from the splice below More: http://wwwwebpositioncom/d2.pl?r=GCU-55EC (home page) http://www.webpositioncom/wpg2upgradehtm (outline of features in v2.0) ——————————Copyright Kalena Jordan 2002 .

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